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Hair Fall Treatment & Solution to Prevent Hair Fall

by Nicky, 14 Mar 2023

While we may be trying to act squeaky by tilting Bryan Adams’ blockbuster musical entreat, we are in no way trying to play down the issue of excessive hair control. We live in a world where frequent and excessive hair fall is a sad reality, and it has quite a lot of takers. So we shall walk you through a failsafe routine that helps you have the best hair fall treatment control and have longer and shinier hair too. 

Hair fall, as a sight, is quite annoying and funny. As an experience, it is only annoying (though it can also be quite sad). Asking someone how it happened won’t take you to some earth-shattering revelations because no one can figure out its causes or predict when the onslaught will run its course. This makes people often feel like sitting ducks as the misfortune rages over like a midnight storm- being powerless in such a situation makes the entire experience too horrendous. 

What is Hair Fall?

Hair fall is sudden, frequent, excessive, and usually uncontrollable hair fall from a person’s head. Alternatively known as Alopecia, it could lead to a partial or complete lack of new hair growth and thus create patches of baldness on the scalp. It is usually signified by tufts of hair lying in the bathroom after shampooing or sticking to a comb after styling.

Experts believe that we have 1,00,000 to 1,50,000 hairs on our scalps, and we may lose up to a hundred of them every day. It is okay to lose so much hair if the scalp’s cells are also being replaced at the same rate. A mismatch would surely court temporary or permanent baldness.

What causes frequent hair fall?

Some say it is hereditary, and some say it is caused due to illness or medications, while others attribute it to poor luck. However, hair care experts advise that there is always a set of interrelated factors at work regarding hair fall. Therefore, we assert that you step back and evaluate your lifestyle objectively or ask someone to do it for you. This would help you know where to take proper care of your hair.

Here are some popular reasons for frequent and excessive hair fall:

  1. Genetics and hormones
  2. Long-term illness
  3. Medications
  4. Lack of nutrition (specifically vitamin B and its derivatives)
  5. Improper lifestyle practices
  6. Irregular sleep cycles
  7. Psychological trauma
  8. Drug abuse
  9. Pregnancy 
  10. Autoimmune disorders
  11. Hypo- or Hyper-thyroid 
  12. Skin diseases
  13. Sebaceous cysts
  14. Obesity
  15. Diabetes
  16. Inflammation 

Home-Based Hair Fall Treatment for Men and Women

The term here is ‘home-based.’ The above sections have underscored how to proceed with a medicinal hair fall treatment plan. The upcoming sections will describe how you may top it up with a personalized and super-effective set of hair care products to achieve the best results. 

Here is a simplified hair care routine that you may follow at home:

Eating a nutritious diet and avoiding fast foods and cola drinks are just as important. We also recommend using only toxin-free hair care products instead of synthetic ones. You should also get yourself checked for any underlying medical condition that may be causing you to experience excessive gain or lose weight in a shorter duration- such causes often go undetected until it is too late.

1. Wash your hair gently to remove the dirt- The first step in your hair care routine should be this. Your scalp will remain healthy with a thorough cleansing with a kind and nourishing shampoo. Furthermore, it would give your hair a natural shine and remove dirt, filth, and bacteria from the hair follicles.

One of the simplest hair fall treatment for frequent hair loss is proper hair cleansing. However, it depends greatly on choosing the best shampoo to reduce hair fall and promote hair growth. You might take care of your hair effortlessly with a safe and effective product created with the goodness of nature. In these oils, you can look for components like Coconut, Onion, Bhringraj, and Redensyl. You can try Mamaearth Onion Shampoo to reduce hair fall.

2. Don’t brush wet hair aggressively- This step should be essential in your hair care routine because we have all been told to do it since we were young. You may begin by thoroughly rinsing with a mild shampoo to keep your scalp healthy, protect against infections, and give your hair a natural shine.

3. Massage your scalp and hair thoroughly- Although it promotes blood circulation underneath the scalp, every hair massage offers benefits similar to hair washing. Doing so regularly offers even better results.

It strengthens your hair roots and is one of the best at-home remedies for hair fall solution and promoting hair growth. It’s important to know which hair oil is best for your hair type if you want to benefit the most from the experience of oiling your scalp.

4. Give up drinking and smoking – Alcohol use is one of the most common causes of hair fall. Chain smokers may also experience abnormal hair fall because nicotine reduces blood circulation in the scalp.
Limiting alcohol consumption is thus one of the best hair fall treatment to prevent hair loss and promote healthier hair growth. Dehydration can be harmful to both your overall health and the health of your hair. To stay hydrated, you should drink six to eight glasses of water daily.

5. Maintain a stress-free lifestyle and take care of your overall health- According to various studies, higher stress levels impact your health adversely. One of the most obvious effects of stress is premature graying of the hair. As a result, one of the best hair fall treatment to stop hair loss is to take care of your mental health when going through a stressful experience.

You can work on this by picking up new hobbies like Yoga, meditation, and other activities to keep your body and mind in shape. Another major factor contributing to hair fall could be compulsive overeating. A diet lacking vitamins and proteins will also damage your hair’s health.


  1. Which vitamin deficiency causes hair fall?

    Frequent and excessive hair fall is often caused due to a deficiency of Vitamin B12, Riboflavin, Biotin, and Folate. These are all vitamin B derivatives and are found in fruits and vegetables.

  2. How to stop hair fall and regrow hair naturally?

    Cleansing the scalp and providing the hair roots with adequate nutrition is the simplest way to reduce frequent and excessive hair fall. In addition, we also recommend following an active lifestyle, taking proper sleep, staying stress-free, and using toxin-free hair care products for the best results.

  3. How to stop hair fall in teenage guys?

    Answer: Teenagers may often be more inclined to include fast foods and cola drinks in their daily diet, which negatively affects hair growth. So, opting for a healthy diet with proteins, fruits, and vegetables helps reduce excessive hair fall. It is important to go for gentle and plant-based hair care products and avoid using blow-dryers or irons on a regular basis. 

  4. How to regain hair fall from stress?

    Stress-inducing hair fall usually takes several months to recover from but it is treatable. If you have been facing extreme hair fall, you should meet a dermatologist for a detailed analysis of hair health. Besides, there are three major hair fall treatments to curb hair fall caused by stress: eating healthy, taking supplements to combat nutritional deficiency, and following stress management techniques like Yoga, meditation, counseling or therapy, etc. You may note that stress-related hair fall is temporary and goes away once the triggers diminish.

  5. How to control hair fall?

    Answer: Controlling hair fall and combating its causes may take several months or years. Therefore, it is best to ask for medical attention if the hair fall is extreme. However, changing lifestyle and switching to gentle and plant-based hair care products usually shows positive results on hair health. One should also take health supplements to fulfill nutritional needs, add protein to one’s diet, and stay hydrated, healthy, and stress-free to control hair fall.

  6. What is the reason for hair fall?

    Answer: There are many causes of hair fall. Some underlying factors that cause hair fall include hormonal changes like pregnancy or menopause. There are certain medical conditions like Chemotherapy, genetics, Medical conditions like Thyroid or Fungal Infections, Mental Stress, and Excessive exposure to styling products or coloring that could also affect hair growth.

  7. How to stop genetic hair fall?

    Although genetic hair fall can’t be cured completely, certain medications can help slow it down. It is best to consult a doctor for a thorough analysis of hair health. In addition, one should not aggravate the condition, and taking proper care of hair and curating a healthy hair care routine are the most recommended hair fall treatment to do so. 

  8. How to prevent hair fall in men?

    Preventing hair fall in men may require assistance from a dermatologist and several lifestyle changes. The effective hair fall solution includes adding protein Biotin and irons to the diet, reducing the intake of alcohol and smoking, talking therapies or counseling to manage stress, taking supplements to reduce male pattern baldness, etc. Besides, one should stick to healthy habits in daily life, such as avoiding brushing wet hair, excessively coloring or styling the hair, or keeping scalp oil and sweat-free.

  9. What causes dandruff and hair fall?

    Dry hair, excessive styling products, lack of cleansing, and unhealthy scalp and roots are major reasons for dandruff. On the other hand, hair fall can be caused due to severe medical conditions, genetics, stress, lack of hydration, unhealthy sleep cycle, and hormonal change

